Archive for the ‘Research’ Category

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Revisiting garden-based learning in basic education

extract from .pdf by Daniel Desmond, James Grieshop, Aarti SubramaniamUNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning Garden Based Learning (GBL) can be defined simply as an instructional strategy that utilizes a garden as a teaching tool. The pedagogy is based on experiential education, which is applied in the living laboratory of the garden. This simple definition, however, is misleading in that it does not take ... Full story

UC Davis garden based learning

Garden-based learning is an educational strategy that utilizes school gardens to supplement instruction in a variety of disciplines.  School gardens provide an atmosphere that incorporates hands-on activities and strengthens academic, personal, and social skills.  In addition, school gardens allow children to develop life skills in areas such as nutrition, leadership, and decision making.  CNS research includes the ... Full story

“Improving a child’s ability to focus on the task at hand can be achieved with relatively small change”

Written by Nora Schutz, Berlin Germany NEUROSCIENCE could do for schools what biomedical research has done for healthcare. That's the conclusion of the Decade of the Mind (DOM) symposium last week in Berlin, Germany, to discuss how the latest findings could be used to improve education. click for more info Full story
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