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Activities for Kinesthetic Learners

Air Writing, build Models, Catch Ball Drills, Field trip, Hands on Experiments, Have child set up a "shop" to practice math with money, where the child is the cashier. Dance, jump Rope, Rhythmic Clap and Tap for Spelling and memorization. Role Playing, Scavenger Hunts, Museum, Science Center visits, Nature Hikes,  Drama playing, gardening, Board games and flash cards to learn words and geography,  Walk while listing to music, Science experiments. Full story

Find out your Learning Style

Click the link below to read about and complete the Perceptual Modality Preference Survey (PMPS). The PMPS will help you discover how you best learn, and it will give you some ideas about improving the probabilities of learning success. Full story

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!

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Therapeutic Garden

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Concocting a Cure for Kids With Issues

New York Times article by Judith Warner Appelbaum is a behavioral optometrist, part of a growing subspecialty of optometry that takes the traditional practice beyond its usual focus on eye health and eyesight. Through a practice referred to as vision therapy — a combination of in-office and at-home eye exercises — many of these optometrists claim they can offer significant help for problems that ... Full story

The garden is a classroom at Dallas elementary schools

"The school garden is a really good vehicle for kids to connect to nature and the community," said Sobel, who spoke at a REAL School Gardens meeting at Dallas' Alex Sanger Elementary School in late February. "And there's a lot of good research supporting the notion that integrating places like gardens into lessons increases student academic achievement. So it's not making choices between test ... Full story

Garden Based Education at Lifelab

Here are two other great resources for Garden-Based Learning Instruction. They can be found and reviewed here The Growing Classsroom This award-winning resource book for educators contains 480 pages of science, math, and language arts activities that you can do with your students in the garden. Activities are aligned with California Science Content Standards. Topics include soil, plants, cycles, ecology, weather, nutrition, and food systems. ... Full story

“Improving a child’s ability to focus on the task at hand can be achieved with relatively small change”

Written by Nora Schutz, Berlin Germany NEUROSCIENCE could do for schools what biomedical research has done for healthcare. That's the conclusion of the Decade of the Mind (DOM) symposium last week in Berlin, Germany, to discuss how the latest findings could be used to improve education. click for more info Full story

Hands-on Activities that Bring Math to Life

Math in the Garden, This wonderful Book is developed through a partnership of University of California Botanical Garden and Lawrence Hall of Science Berkeley, California. This book is for Educator/Parents with students Age 5-13. ISBN-13: 978-0-915873-46-3 Full story

Book recommended by Erika Thu for Halloween called Pumpkin Circle written by George Levenson

PUMPKIN CIRCLE: The Story of A Garden. The Story of A Garden is an award-winning video and picture book, produced by George Levenson. This project is designed to show elementary school children the miraculous cycle of nature in a backyard pumpkin patch. Pumpkin Circle is a 20 minute live action video narrated in verse by Danny Glover with original music by George Winston. The video ... Full story
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